The Camdenville Public School parents and citizens' association (P&C) has executive positions. All positions become vacant annually at the annual general meeting (AGM) held during the second meeting for the year. Nominations are accepted at the AGM, and all P&C members attending the meetings are eligble to vote to elect the new office holders. The roles and responsibilities of P&C office holders are listed below.
Executive committee
Details of the executive committee include:
- comprises the below office bearer and executive positions
- convened by the president and may be called on to exercise leadership between general meetings if quick decisions, actions or statement are required on the association's behalf
- all decisions taken by an executive committee between meetings should be fully reported to the next general or special meeting of the association with a view to securing the meeting's endorsement for the decisions taken
- the ability to attend the majority of P&C general meetings is an important aspect of the roles
The roles and responsibilities of our president are:
- chairs the P&C general meetings
- represents the association when issuing public statement and at official functions
- ensures the successful function of the association, the attainment of its objectives, the consistent adherence to its constitution and has a responsibility to foster the fair participation of all members
- participates in sub-committees as required
Vice President
The roles and responsibilities of our vice president are:
- completes the president's duties in his/her absence or when invited to do so by the president (e.g chair the P&C general meetings)
The roles and responsibilities of our treasurer are:
- responsible for the sound financial management of the association
- receives and deposits all monies in a timely manner
- keeps all the proper accounting records of income, expenses, assets and liabilities
- draws cheques
- prepares financial statements (income and expense report, balance sheet) for presentation at P&C general meetings
- presents all records for auditing each year and ensures the audited accounts are tabled for adoption at the AGM
- ensures sufficient cash is made available to co-ordinators of fund raising activities
- prepares an annual budget and report on performance against the budget
- ensures the correct bank signatories are maintained
- ensures all expenditure is supported by the proper documentary evidence (e.g receipts) and authorised by members at a general meeting
- ensures adequate insurance is maintained
The roles and responsibilities of our secretary:
- principal administrative officer of the association and is reponsible for recording the decision of the meeting, unless otherwise stipulated
- maintains a register of all financial (voting) members (i.e. paid annual fees of gold coin) which is to be updated after each general meeting if new members join
- maintains a register of email addresses for the P&C community (for all mail-outs and general correspondence)
- prepares and distributes in consultation with the president and all meetings agendas
- documents and distributes minutes of the P&C general meetings and AGM (detailing time, date and location of the meeting, the members in attendance, the apologies accepted, the identity of the chairperson and every formal decision which was supported by majority vote)
- completes and submits all required forms required for legal operation of the P&C in accordance with federation guidelines