27 Apr 2020
Term 2 will begin as it finished in Term 1. The majority of NSW students will be learning from home. Schools will be open and operational for students that need to attend but where practical, parents are encouraged to keep their children at home.
Teachers will plan the same learning for students at school and at home.
Key dates:
- Monday 27 and Tuesday 28 April 2020: Pupil-free days
- Wednesday 29 April - Friday 8 May 2020: Students learning from home where practical
- Monday 11 May 2020: students attend school one day a week and learn from home on the other days
The Premier and Minister for Education have announced a phased operating model for NSW schools during COVID-19. The new model will see students being reintroduced to some face-to-face learning on site starting from Week 3.
More information on the new model and operational changes will be provided to teachers, parents and students before Week 3 of Term 2 begins to let you know the plan for the remainder of the term.